What is 'Place'?

Place can mean many things to people but it's perhaps most easily understood as the physical environment around us, the people within that environment (the social environment) and the interaction of the two, the physical place and people.

Watch our animation to find out how place affects our lives and how place-based approaches can lead to better outcomes for people and the environment.

Access the video here

New! - updated Place Standard tool

An improved version of the Place Standard tool has now been launched!

With improved functionality, content and appearance, the tool provides an even better way of engaging with people on the quality of their local place.

Access the Place Standard tool here

New! - Place Standard Tool Inclusive Communication Toolkit

Inclusive communication includes as many people as possible in any communication and through any channel – in person, on the phone, online or on paper. This guide and the resources further down on the page will help you access this in an effective way.

Access the Inclusive Communications Toolkit here

The Place Standard tool with a Climate Lens

A new Climate Lens is now available for the Place Standard tool. This new resource offers the opportunity to consider climate change and how it will impact on health and wellbeing and Scotland’s places.

It builds on the core Place Standard tool and is designed to support a joined up, collaborative, and participative approach to climate action within a place.

Access the Place Standard with a Climate Lens

Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans offer communities the opportunity to develop proposals for their local area, expressing their aspirations and ambitions for future change.

Legislation on the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans came into force on 22nd January.

Learn more about Local Place Plans

The Place Based Framework

The Place Based Framework builds on existing good work across Scotland to provide a mechanism for how place-based working can be implemented effectively.

The simple goal is to make sure that efforts, investments and resources are brought together for the greatest overall benefit.

Access the Place Based Framework here

People in Place

Getting involved with place-based work can take different forms depending on issues like our interests, capacity and experience.

Find out more on how key groups can play important roles and take positive action on place.

Communities and Third Sector

The knowledge, energy and expertise of local people, community groups and third sector organisations is essential to create and develop successful places.

Find out more on the role of communities and the third sector

Public Sector

Working in a place-based way can provide multiple benefits for the public sector - from maximising resources to greatly increasing the impact and positive outcomes for communities.

Find out more about place and the public sector

Our Place - A Place for Everyone

Understanding place is complex- it involves everyone and everywhere.

And so Our Place wants to be a place for everyone. We want to share information, learning, resources and views from everyone involved in place and place-based approaches.

If you have something you think could be included on Our Place then we want to hear from you. You can click the link below to get in touch and help to increase the impact of place to transform lives and support the environment.

Contact us